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One of my accessibility themed goals is to have websites and services naturally attuned to people’s abilities and disabilites, primarily meaning to say struggling to access services is severely reduced and not biased. As a child taught to use their left hand in a world dominated by right handed individuals I was pushed aside at the mere mention of “special scissors” needing to be fetched for me, while a student at school. I usually had to plough on with right handed scissors and cause myself discomfort and pain. Thus even there, before I had really focused on disabilities within myself, I knew that with a simple change, not a demand for left handed scissors but a request I be taken into account, my life already would have taken a different path. It should be natural to provide what I call audio websites and services, where people, due to disability or not, are able to access services without a single keystroke keyed.


Reach Faith became Reach Faith Limited during 2017 and was granted the Companies House number 11002297.

The registered office is:

11 Hawthorn Drive, Selly Oak, Birmingham B29 5BZ

This page was last updated 28/1/2024 8:40PM by Barry Luke Stuart